About Reddit Snapshots

A semi-curated, automatically updated archive of top Reddit posts

Reddit Snapshots is the work of Evan MacBride (u/evnbd). Find the GitHub repo here.

The site's purpose

Reddit has some good content, but it's often buried under reposts, tired jokes, and other not very good content. I wanted to make something that would only present the best, most meaningful content from each section of Reddit that I was interested in, while filtering out as much garbage as possible.

I also wanted to experiment with converting Reddit's semi-linear stream of links into a layout that's somewhat reminiscent of a traditional news website. So each snapshot's links are organized into sections (currently Sci/Tech, Developer, and "Etcetera") instead of appearing in whatever order Reddit's opaque algorithm sorts them.

How are links filtered?

Each snapshot starts with the top posts from the past 24 hours for a list of subreddits. bot.py then removes

  • any link that's ever been featured in a previous snapshot (effectively banning reposts)
  • multiple links posted by the same author (an author will only have at most one link in each snapshot)
  • content flagged as NSFW or containing spoilers
  • posts with titles containing banned words (I'm experimenting with an evolving list)
  • "stickied" posts (which are usually special moderator announcements that don't make for very interesting reading)

bot.py also tries to make sure no single subreddit will dominate a section of a snapshot. Once a link from a given subreddit makes it into a snapshot, it's harder for another link from that same subreddit to be included. This feature is accomplished using Python's heapq data structure.

Using heapq

Each link has an invisible score that determines how it's sorted in the heap. When bot.py detects a link from a subreddit that's already been featured, the invisible score for that link is reduced by a constant, and the link is pushed back onto the heap. If the link makes it to the top of the heap again (before all the limited spots in the snapshot are filled), bot.py will detect that the link's score has already been reduced (by checking a Boolean), and the link will finally be added to the snapshot.

How is the site updated?

A set of bash scripts call a Python program ("bot.py") that queries the Reddit API and generates a Markdown file containing information (urls, authors, subreddits, etc.) on new top Reddit posts. These scripts create two of these "snapshots" each day. After its creation, the Markdown file is then committed to a GitHub repo for a GatsbyJS-based website which is then deployed to Netlify.

The website is heavily based on the Gatsby Hello World Starter, but I've made (and will continue to make) numerous changes to the starter template.

What does "semi-curated" mean?

I choose the section themes, the subreddits that go into each section, and the special filtering conditions that fill each section with links. The specific links that are featured are determined by an automated process. I do not approve each link individually, but I am actively updating the site's filters to get the best content possible.


Reddit Snapshots ("this website") is in no way affiliated with Reddit, Inc. or any parent or subsidiary companies. Any opinions or views expressed in links featured on this website belong to the respective authors of those links, and they are not necessarily shared by this website's author. Some material appearing on Reddit Snapshots may be protected under copyright. Any such material is presented on this website under the doctrine of Fair Use. The underlying design and software of this website is released under the MIT License.